Most couples are fans of traditional dates, such as going to the movies or enjoying a nice dinner together.
But sometimes it’s refreshing to break away from the more common kinds of dates and try something new, and for those couples that like to spend time in the great outdoors, there are plenty of fantastic dating opportunities.
If you and your partner are looking for something new to do together that involves being outside, have a look at this list of great outdoor activities that any couple will enjoy.
Visiting a Market
From local book fairs to farmers markets to huge food markets, there are so many different kinds of markets that are great to check out.
Farmers markets are a particularly good choice, as they tend to have a variety of foods and other goods that can be found nowhere else, and also usually at an extremely good price. Check online Facebook groups and other outlets to keep an eye out for any popular farmers markets in the area.
Outdoor Concerts
Concerts are a great way for couples to spend some time in each other’s company while also enjoying sunlight and good music like the soothing music found in some Skrill pokies.
These can range from band concerts held at local venues, to even just a small instruments group that’s played at the local gardens.
Fruit Picking
Going out and picking fruit is something that not a lot of people think of as a dating activity, but it can actually be a fun and entertaining way of spending a day.
Fruit farms are usually set in the countryside and allow for a couple to pay to move through the field and pick as many fruits as they can carry. It’s worth giving a try at least once but try and pick a day when the sun isn’t too intense and it’s not too hot.
Nature Reserve
Most counties in the world have dedicated, protected natural spaces that make for a great way to spend a day. These are areas that are abundant in wildlife and offer a break from the business and noise of the city.
Here, a couple can spend a few days camping, or they might want to hike up to a special and unique place, allowing them to form special and unforgettable memories.
Sometimes it can be nice to just go out and have a picnic for a few hours under a tree where it’s peaceful enough to enjoy some some time.
While there are not as many true dark areas as there once was, there have been huge efforts in recent years to make true, dedicated dark areas that are free from any kind of light pollution.
This creates the perfect opportunity to go and see the stars and the Milky Way in all their glory, Deserts are also a good choice for stargazing, especially if they also happen to be national parks where overnight camping is permitted, making for a truly unforgettable and humbling experience.